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Training bundles provide best business value

Good things come in big bundles

training can help with NATA accreditation ISO 17025 ISO 15189Suddenly it’s June and apart from the fact we’ve pulled out our track pants and beanies, the scramble has also started to check budgets before the end of the financial year.

And because it can sometimes be a case of ‘use it or lose it’, businesses may be looking to spend their training budget before 30 June.

We’ve written previously about why you should pay for training and why training is important for your staff.

Because we want to support your business to work better and smarter, we provide a range of current, relevant training courses for you and your colleagues.

To make choosing your training path even easier, we’ve put together these training bundles for you.

Why choose our training courses?

Because we:

  • limit our course numbers so participants get the best results
  • regularly interact with labs in their facilities, giving us up-to-date experiences and solutions
  • ensure our participants and their needs drive our training.

All our courses include the option for participants to have their process, procedure or MU workings analysed and discussed as part of the course.

This means that participants walk away from the course with information that is of immediate use to them back in their workplace.

Our unique follow up process

MAS Management Systems follow up training process NATA accreditation help ISO 17025 ISO 15189A few weeks after the training, we catch up with each participant, just to be sure they’re on track.

We’ve had excellent feedback from participants about this unique aspect of our training courses.

They value this opportunity to ask questions that may have come up since their training session and the additional support this follow up provides.

Training bundles

These excellent courses have been packaged up to save your business time and money. Use one of our pre-built bundles below or mix and match to create one that suits the needs of your business.

How does it work?

All you need to do is contact us by emailing info@masmanagementsystems.com.au and letting us know which bundle you’d like.

We’ll send you a tax invoice and work with you to find the best dates for training.

If you’d prefer to sign up for an individual course (or two!) we can arrange that for you too.

Here are the bundles we’ve developed:

The Lab Starter bundle Full price Bundle price
ISO 17025 $594.00
Internal Audits $594.00
Documenting your lab quality system $374.00
$1,562.00 $1,249.60
The Risk Management bundle
Internal Audits $594.00
Root cause analysis $374.00
Risky Business $297.00
$1,265.00 $1,012.00
The Measurements bundle
MU Made Simple $561.00
Without a Trace $374.00
$935.00 $748.00
The Measurements bundle extended
MU Made Simple $561.00
MU for Sampling $561.00
Without a Trace $374.00
$1,496.00 $1,196.80
The total systems starter bundle
ISO 17025 or ISO 9001 $594.00
Internal Audits $594.00
Documenting your lab quality system $374.00
Risky Business $297.00
Root cause analysis $374.00
$2,233.00 $1,786.40

All prices are GST inclusive and per person.

Flyers for these bundles and individual courses are available on our website or email us at info@masmanagementsystems.com.au for more information.

If you’d like to discuss your training needs with us, including inhouse courses, you can phone Maree on 0411 540 709 or Diane on 0402 012 781.

Remember, you don’t have to do this alone!

Download the Training bundles overview or information on each of the bundles:

Lab starter bundle
Risk management bundle
Measurement bundle
Total systems starter bundle

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